Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Today's post is about friends. We started this blog for our dear friend Annie and she is on our mind today because here in Watkinsville we are celebrating the lives of two of our other friends.

A regular customer in our store, whose absence has been going on well over a year, stepped through our doors today to tell us that she has been sick with cancer but is now in remission. We have been helping customers, dyeing, carding and felting today and imagine my surprise when I walked in from cleaning my dye mess to see this wonderful friend standing in my shop after such a long time. I was so overwhelmed I could barely speak.

And as I stepped in the post office to take the shop mail, I looked up and our favorite post office employee, who has been in Iraq for the last year, was back at work and completely unscathed. Again, I felt like a soccer ball had been thrown at my stomach (but in a good way).

The point of my teary rambling is this. Life is hard but life has its beautiful moments.

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